Stress Management Is The Best Investment You Will Ever Make
Artwork by Jenny Schneck, currently on display at Chrystal Clinic
We encourage you to take a moment to run this thought exercise with us:
-Take three deep breaths through your nose. Inhale all the way and exhale all the way.
-Now, close your eyes and, one by one, simply observe all of the different people and situations that might be causing you stress right now.
-Next, systematically dissolve each negative thought form that might cross your stream of awareness.
-Keep at it until you can no longer see any other negative thoughts that you have not already observed.
-Take three more deep breaths and sit with your eyes closed for one minute, or as long as you need to.
-Open your eyes.
Well done and congratulations. You have taken the first step towards implementing your stress management plan.
What did I just do, you might ask?
Simple structured observation allows you to detach your true self from the myriad of stress triggers that are undermining your health.
Study after study has shown that chronic stress is the underlying cause of many (if not most) diseases.
The underlying cause of chronic stress comes down to how you process all of the stress triggers that might come at you.
Consider this scenario: The news of your child acting out at school is not inherently stressful. It is, however, a trigger that can lead you down a spiral of stress that, in turn, leads you to make lifestyle choices that compound that stress into something much worse.
In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to forego actions that help manage stress – and with good reason. After all, there are bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Stress management is a proactive choice that you need to make, but one that will pay huge and almost immediate dividends.
In short, think of stress management as an investment.
That’s because no matter how bad life gets, unmanaged stress will make things much worse.
If you believe that stress actually causes disease then being sick means that you cannot be there for yourself or for your loved ones.
A state of persistent stress can also lead you to make poor decisions in life when it comes to your career, finances, family life, and relationships with others.
The good news is that stress is manageable. Stress related illnesses (there are many including physical pain) are also treatable.
This is a big part of what we do at Chrystal Clinic. We help you reduce and manage stress, as well as treat stress-related illnesses (imbalances as we call them).
Don’t know where to begin? Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our stress management program and stress-related imbalance treatment options.